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One of the original Leo Members, Toby has been a constant on the gym floor for years. His dedication to his training and his support of everyone he trains with made him an easy choice for our April Member of the Month! Toby has continuously been hitting new PBs (most recently his 15kg jump in his back squat during one of our Strength sessions) and refined his gymnastics movements all while helping and guiding new members as they begin their fitness journey at LEO. He’s one-of-a-kind and we are so grateful to call him a LEO Legend!

Leo Gym Member of the month pictured next to Leo Gym Sign
Toby April's Member of The Month

💪 Favourite workout? Anything heavy, deadlift, squats, bench, clean & jerks in particular 😖 Least favourite workout? Burpees and anything over 15 mins

🏉 What are you doing when not at Leo? Working, travelling for work, chasing my children, mini rugby coaching.

🍽️  Favourite food? Yakitori - Japanese bbqed meat skewers.

🎤 Motto or phrase you live by? F*£k it, what’s the worst that can happen. And then I agonise about the worst.

❔ Something we might not know about you? I am addicted to foreign Haribo. Every where I go I seek out different local Haribo.

Congratulations again Toby!


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